Speech First v. U of M; Sixth Circuit Opening Brief

Speech First v. U of M; Sixth Circuit Opening Brief

September 28, 2020

Speech First has filed a brief against the University of Michigan, citing their bias response policies as unconstitutional. The brief states that, “this case presents important and novel questions about the…

Colleges Cracking Down on Free Speech: A Threat to Democracy Itself?

Colleges Cracking Down on Free Speech: A Threat to Democracy Itself?

September 28, 2020

WASHINGTON – College campuses are historically safe places for free speech. But many of those so-called homes of higher learning are bowing to censorship. Free speech advocates warn the growing…

A red flag on campus free speech

A red flag on campus free speech

September 28, 2020

On election night 2016, Mark Schlissel, the University of Michigan’s president, addressed more than 1,000 students, declaring that the 90 percent of them who…