Jared Gould

Research Fellow

Jared Gould is a Research Fellow at Speech First. He also assumes roles as the Managing Editor of Minding the Campus at the National Association of Scholars and a consulting role at the Faith & Politics Institute. He was most recently Senior Editor at Campus Reform.

His career has encompassed multiple domains including policy, education, politics, technology, and most recently, journalism and government accountability. Prior to his most recent endeavors, Jared served as Executive Assistant and Policy Analyst at Bryant Songy Snell (BSS) in Ridgeland, Mississippi, where he worked with former Governor Phil Bryant. Prior to BSS, Jared interned at the Office of Governor Phil Bryant, focusing on education and workforce development, and eventually ascended to a staff role with Mississippi’s State Workforce Investment Board, researching education and employment.

Jared is an alumnus of the University of Southern Mississippi, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in history and a minor in political science.

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