Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) & Critical Race Theory (CRT)
Students Deserve Freedom from Indoctrination

Our NO GRADUATION WITHOUT INDOCTRINATION: THE DEI COURSE MANDATE report lays bare the widespread expansion and troubling reality of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) requirements across America’s colleges and universities– and their detrimental impact on free speech.
Read The Report67% of schools investigated require DEI courses to graduate
Speech First investigated 248 colleges and universities across every state, including Washington, D.C., representing a diverse array of campus types. The findings indicate that a significant majority (67%) of these institutions mandate DEI courses to satisfy general education requirements. Among the 165 establishments we identified that enforce these requirements, 59% are taxpayer-funded public institutions, and 41% are private institutions.
What can be done?
State lawmakers can disband DEI in higher education by taking the following actions:
- Prohibit the mandatory inclusion of ideological activism courses, such as critical race theory and DEI, as a condition for obtaining a degree,
- Ensure that universities provide instruction in foundational principles of the United States that make up our legal system and governing structures, and
- Educate students on the principles and ultimate value of free speech, debate, open inquiry, and viewpoint diversity in orientation programs, with the goal of alleviating student self-censorship and administrative or in-class coercive practices.

Model Legislation: Freedom From Indoctrination
Speech First has developed model policy in partnership with the Goldwater Institute titled, the “Freedom from Indoctrination Act.”
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