A red flag on campus free speech

A red flag on campus free speech

September 28, 2020

On election night 2016, Mark Schlissel, the University of Michigan’s president, addressed more than 1,000 students, declaring that the 90 percent of them who…

UMich claims free speech lawsuit has ‘mistaken premises’

UMich claims free speech lawsuit has ‘mistaken premises’

September 28, 2020

The University of Michigan is vowing to fight back against a lawsuit accusing the school of using its harassment and “bias” policies to stifle free expression on campus. In a…

UM feels a lot like the USSR

UM feels a lot like the USSR

September 28, 2020

The thought police are alive and well at the University of Michigan. Take a close look at some of the university’s speech policies and you may feel like you’ve been…

It’s Now 1984 at the University of Michigan

It’s Now 1984 at the University of Michigan

September 28, 2020

Students at the University of Michigan, beware. If you say anything politically incorrect or out-of-line with the political and social orthodoxy on your campus, you may get a knock…

Defending Free Speech With the 14th Amendment

Defending Free Speech With the 14th Amendment

September 28, 2020

Sometimes the First Amendment isn’t enough. A potentially pathbreaking new federal lawsuit against the University of Michigan claims the school’s speech code not only violates the First Amendment rights of…