Cherise Trump

Executive Director

Cherise Trump is Speech First’s Executive Director. She is also the host of Speech First’s podcast, Well Said, where she interviews guests on free speech, higher education, and American culture. Before joining Speech First, Cherise worked at the Heritage Foundation as Associate Director of Coalition Relations. Cherise brings extensive experience working directly with college students to Speech First, thanks to her time spent serving as program manager of the Alexander Hamilton Society where she managed their national network of university and professional chapters, ran the annual AHS conferences and fellowships, and developed young professional programs in Washington, DC. 

Her commentary and articles have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The American Conservative, The Federalist, The New York Post, The Washington Examiner, Washington Times, The Daily Signal, Newsweek, the Epoch Times, National Review, and Townhall. She has made a number of tv appearances on Fox News, Fox Business, Newsmax, as well as a number of radio and podcast shows to discuss the state of free speech on college campuses. She received her BA from George Mason University and her MA from Georgetown University.

Authored Content

University Bias

November 7, 2022

University Bias

The American Conservative


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