Biden’s New Title IX Rule is the Beginning of the End for Free Speech

Biden’s New Title IX Rule is the Beginning of the End for Free Speech

September 28, 2020

April 26, 2026 The Biden administration just released its 1500-page revision of the Title IX Rule. This new Rule makes this administration’s primary goal glaringly obvious: to cram Neo-Marxist gender…

State Lawmakers Can and Must Protect Free Speech

State Lawmakers Can and Must Protect Free Speech

September 28, 2020

June 24, 2023 Universities across the country have policies that openly violate students’ rights. Bias Reporting Systems (BRSs) act as the campus Stasi, collecting reports from students and…

University Bias

University Bias

September 28, 2020

November 7, 2022 “Bias Reporting Systems” are a major threat to campus free speech. It’s up to state legislators to do something about them. Read more here at…